‘Slowcial media’ eschews the superficial scrolling of photo-based apps in favour of those which feed the more reflective sides of our minds.
Category: Addiction News
A Week off Social Media Reduces Depression and Anxiety
In a new study, people who took just a week off social media reported an increased sense of wellbeing and reduced depression and anxiety.
A Week off Social Media Reduces Depression and Anxiety
In a new study, people who took just a week off social media reported an increased sense of wellbeing and reduced depression and anxiety.
The opposite of addiction is not sobriety.
“Get a rat and put it in a cage and give it two water bottles. One is just water, and one is water laced with either heroin or cocaine. If you do that, the rat will almost always prefer the drugged water and almost always kill itself very quickly, right, within a couple of weeks.… Continue reading The opposite of addiction is not sobriety.
An Addicts Mind
I lay on this bed encased by these walls. sober now. I can feel the pain of all my flaws. Peaceful and lost in the illusion I slept thru all my loved ones’ cries. Even her kind eyes couldn’t keep me from wanting to end my life. Caged outside my mind also brings confinement inside.… Continue reading An Addicts Mind
Persuasive Technology 101
What is persuasive technology and how can persuasive tech techniques manipulate our behaviour online? Here’s our primer.
Are You a Phone Addict? How Would You Know?
Do you worry that you might be a phone addict? How would you know if you were suffering from an addiction, or just heavily dependent?
Is ‘Slowcial Media’ The Answer?
‘Slowcial media’ eschews the superficial scrolling of photo-based apps in favour of those which feed the more reflective sides of our minds.
Let’s Ditch Disaster Porn
Media coverage of catastrophes used to evoke compassion and inspire us to take action. Has our over-exposure to disaster porn ruined that?
New Data Show Disturbing Racial Disparities in Combined Opioid-Cocaine Overdose Rates
The problem is not just increased use of stimulants and opioids, it is also a lack of recovery resources, substance use disorder treatment, and a historical mistrust of healthcare providers.